Walk in the Blessing!

Do you want to walk in all God has for you?

To accomplish this Goal, instead of doing it our way.

We need to do it Yahweh’s

We must get rooted and grounded under a good shepherd or (pastor) and follow the leading and guidance of that pastor. Be the sheep and not the goat.

Example of a good shepherd read (John 10; 11): He is a pastor who is not self-seeking, but is willing to lay down his life (ones soul, life, self) for his sheep.

Be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only!!  (James 1:19-27).

If we truly believe what God has said we will be willing to do it.

Let God deal with your enemies. That is his job; our goal should be to show the world the love of Jesus. Numbers 10; 35-36: If the children of Israel would have did what Moses instructed them to do, they would have made it to the promise land, and would not have had to die in the wilderness.

Trust that Yahweh’s way is the best way.  He has and will supply your daily needs: Exodus 16:1-8

We must know that God is for us and not against us. Since the fall of Adam he has been working his plan of salivation to bring us back to himself.

Let us remember to do it Yahweh’s way and not our way. Let us walk humbly before our God as Moses did, and let us fully live the life, that JESUS desires for us to live.

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